Ahhhh! Paris est une très belle ville, mais pas comme Maule!

My desire to start this blog was for many reasons. Well, in fact just three. First, I felt that since my cousin had done something similar for her friends at home I might entertain my friends as well. However, her "blog" told the tale of her adventure through different parts of France as a French teacher seeking the meaning of la vie des jeunes enfants français. It was also geared towards her little 3rd grade French students which means most of the comments I made throughout the trip would be edited out. The second reason for deciding to write a blog was because my mom told me I should do it so all her nurse mates could read what I was doing on my travels and pray that their children never did the same. The third reason is for all my friends who I still love even though they think I will never be coming back to America.
So to open things up I have spent nine months living in Maule, France living through some of the most weird, emotionally exhausting, boring, lame, cool, life affirming, stupid, embarrassing, and fun experiences in my whole life. And you pretty much won't hear about many of those times on this "blog" creation. Sorry, but if I spent my time recording all the past moments it would make it pretty hard to live any new ones. But rest assured as long as the desire for girls, money, and booze prevail in my heart, there will be great stories for you, the viewer (all one of you).
Oh yeah I guess I should give you a reason to want to read the next "blog" that I make in a day or a week. Well in about two weeks I will be flying from Paris, France to Helsinki, Finland and then to Bangkok, Thailand. The trip to Thailand will be a month long backpacking excursion with three of my best doofus friends. I believe that we will certainly encounter some fantastic stories and pictures on our exploration of Thai beaches and islands and bars. After that month I will then fly to Taipei, Taiwan to become once again an English teacher and therefore seem even cooler to American girls when I return. Whenever that may be. So stay tuned and I assure you I will not dissapoint. And if I do......screw you! Go do something else!
Hey Andrew- thanks for the shout-out. I can't wait to read and laugh at your stories of the months/years (/decades?) ahead. Bonne continuation! Ton humeur va manquer a Maule, mais tant mieux pour l'Asie!